How do I check the balance on my One4all Gift Card?

There are multiple ways to check the balance on your card; we highly recommend downloading the One4all App to easily access your card details, balance & transaction history!


-Download the One4all App

-Add your card

-Your balance will be displayed on the top right hand corner of the gift card image


-Scan the QR code on the back of your physical card or type into your browser

-Select and enter either your 'card ID' or 'card number'

-Enter your 3 digit CVV2 code

-Click 'Check Balance'

-Your balance will be displayed on screen

Text Message

-Text 'My Balance' followed by your 'card number' to 57887

-You will receive a text message stating the balance


-Call 0330 828 0881

-When prompted, enter your 'card number'

-When prompted, enter your 'CVV2'

-Your balance will be stated during the phone call and the call will be automatically ended

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